Aaron, Priesthood of, 318 Age of the Pyramids, 62
Abominable Snowman, 422 agents provocateur, 345-347
abortion, 124 Ahura Mazda, 114-115
Abraham, 73 Ai, 80
Abromov, Alexander, 60 AIDS, see Acquired Immune
Abydos, 92 Deficiency Syndrome
Acga, Mehmet Ali, 413, 414 Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 276
Acquired Immune Deficiency Akhnaton, 68-69, 71, 78-79,
Syndrome, 419, 430 79n., 113
Adam and Eve, 46-49, 52, 54, Alamut, 160, 161
55, 87, 101-102, 178, 222, 316, Alaska, 12
397, 401 Albigensians, 163
Adams, Samuel, 278, 281n. alchemy, 263
Adhemar, Countess D', 269 Alcmarianos, Forestus, 189
Adjutant Trowel's long Garret, Aleutian Islands, 365
283 Alexandrian Library, 148, 175
Africa, 174, 329, 382, 448 Allah, 153
see also Egypt see also God; Supreme Being
afterlife, 6 Allegro, John, 127
see also past lives; All-seeing Eye, 283, 319n., 367,
reincarnation 402
Aga Khan, 162 Thus Spake Zamthustra, 113n.
Alvear, 296 apocalypse, 111-112, 113, 116,
Ambassador Hotel, 406 117, 121n., 134, 150, 198-199,
Ambros, Otto, 384 200, 310, 319-320, 322, 325,
Amenhotep IV, see Akhnaton 335, 372, 373, 382, 391, 394,
American Federation of Labor, 395, 396, 415, 433
447 Apocalypse, The, see Revelation,
American Journal of Psychiatry, Book of
In., 356, 357 Apocrypha, 121, 124-126, 129
American Humanist Association, Appalachian Mountains, 277
423 apron (ceremonial), 88, 92-93,
American Medical Association, 128, 283, 318
53n. Aqaba, 429
Americas (ancient), 12—13, Aquino, Benigno, 410-412
172-178 Aquino, Corazon, 412
AMORC, see Ancient and Arabia, 33, 368-369
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis Archaeology and Bible History,
Amsterdam, Bank of, 220-221, 136
223, 229 architecture, 90
Anaheim Memorial Hospital, 26 Argosy, 60
Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Aristotle, 207
Crucis (AMORC), 67n., 197 Armageddon, 110, 136, 143, 223,
"ancient astronauts," 12, 16, 33, 319-320
62, 117, 311, 428 see also apocalypse; Day of
see also Custodians; Judgment; End of the World;
unidentified flying objects Final Battle
Ancient Scot Superior, 272 Arras, 238
Anderson, Alan, 386 Arthur, King, 331
Anderson, Green & Co., 386 Aryanism, 95-96, 100-102, 106,
Anderson, Jack, 449 114, 126, 127, 293n., 319n.,
Andreasson, Betty, 394-396 320-321, 336, 376-377, 384
Andreasson Affair, The, 394 see also Aryans
angels, 16-17, 48, 86, 121-123, Aryan Nations, 415
127-128, 133, 134, 136, Aryans, 95-102, 115, 130-131,
141-142, 151-152, 307-309, 336, 369, 376-377, 379, 381,
314, 319, 428 388-389
Angkor, 173 see also Aryanism
Anhalt-Zerbst, 266, 287 Ascended Masters, 370-373,
Anna (grandmother of Jesus), 121, 388, 420
122, 127 see also Great Cosmic Beings
Anne, Queen, 231 Ascension Day, 185
Anspach-Bayreuth, 287 Ashdod, 191
Anti-Christ, 136, 223 Asia, 31, 103, 130, 180, 183, 451
anti-Semitism, 336, 378, Assassin sect, 158-160,
446-447 242-243
Antoinette, Marie, 269 see also assassins
Anu, 54 assassins, 337
apartheid, 428 "lone," 160-163, 405-415
see also Assassin sect; banking, 212, 216-220, 385
assassinations central, 228-231, 240, 289-291,
assassinations, 379-380, 405-15, 327-329, 333-334, 342-343
450 Barton, William, 283-284
see also assassins Basel, 221, 329
Association of Helpers, 331 Batavian Republic, 295
Assyria, 45-46 Bavaria, 196n., 273
astrologers, 230 Baynard, Samuel Harrison, 271
Asura, 97 "being of light," 441
see also Custodians Belgium, 433
Atlantic Ocean, 15, 16, 31 Bell, George Walter, 191-192
Atlantis, 13, 369, 369n. Belle-Isle, Marshal de, 262, 265
atomic bombs, 330, 333, 382n., Beneficent Knights of the Holy
416-417 City, 257n.
see also nuclear holocaust Bentinck, Count, 264
(ancient) Bering Strait, 12
atoms, 105 Berlin, 250
Augenzeuge, Der, 378 Bernhard, Prince, 390
Augsberg, 184 Bethlehem, 122, 124, 127
Augustinian Order, 201, 205 Star of, 125-126
Augustus, Ernest, 231 Bible, 73-74, 75-76, 93
Augustus, Frederick, 235n. King James version, 206
Auschwitz camp, 383 Bible and Flying Saucers, The, 16
Austria, 184, 254, 261-262, Bigfoot, 422
269,337 Bilderberg meetings, 390
see also Vienna Bill of Rights (U.S.), 292-293
auto-da-fe, 163 Binion, Rudolph, 378
auto-eroticism, 124 Bjornstahl, J.J., 267
Auvergne, 149 Black Death, 179-195, 198, 302
Aviation/Space Writers Award, 21 phenomena related to, 181-192
Aviation Week & Space see also Bubonic Plague
Technology, 422 Black Dragon, 382n.
Avignon, 150, 182 Black Hand, 337
Black Preceptory, 272
Baal, 89 Black Sea, 190
Babel, 50 Blair, William, 59, 60
Tower of, 49-51, 86, 87, 178, Blanqui, Louise-Auguste, 323-324
220, 310, 330 Blavatsky, Helena, 269
Babylonia, 50-51, 369 "blue bloods," 211
Bacon, Francis, 205 Bock, Richard, 130
Balkan nations, 391 Boeing Institute of Technology,
Ballard, Guy Warren, 269, 59
364-374 Boer War, 333, 348
"balls of fire/light," 303-305 Boers, 333
Baltic Sea, 248 Bolivar, Simon, 296
Bank for Internationa! Bolsheviks, 4, 338-340, 344-348
Settlements, 329, 385 Central Committee, 346
Bolsheviks, (com.) see also Essenes; Freemasonry;
St. Petersburg Committee, 346 Hospitaler Knights; I AM
see also Revolution, Russian movement; Knights of the
Bolshevism, 338, 386 Temple; Rosicrucians
see also Bolsheviks; Brothers of Light, 373
communism Brown, W. Norman, 174
Book of the Damned, The, 13—14 "brown shirts (Nazi)," 381
Book of the Dead (Egyptian), Brunswick, 254, 256-257, 267,
90-91, 91n. " 273,287,288
Borkin, Joseph, 383 Elizabeth Christina of, 249
Boston, 241, 275, 28In. Brunswick-Luneberg, 249
Masonic Society, 282-283 buboes, 180
Massacre, 278 Bubonic Plague, 179-181, 190,
Tea Party, 278, 281, 283 233, 349
Boxer Rebellion, 451 see also Black Death
Brahmans, 130-131 Buchanan, James, 285n.
see also Brahminism Buckley, James, 404
Brahminism, 94, 99, 106 Buderus, Carl, 300
see also Brahmans Buddha, 103, 106-107, 109-110,
brain, 8, 353, 354-356 117
Brandenburg, 184-185, 267 Buddhism, 7-8, 101, 103,
Caroline of, 250n. 106-107, 109-110, 117,
Charles of, 250n. 130-132, 169
Brandenburg-Anspach, Albert Buetefisch, Heinrich, 384
of, 249 "Bulgarian Connection," 413
Braunthal, Julius, 323 Bullard, Thomas E., 393-394
Brazil, 296, 400 Burgundy, 384
Breasted, James Henry, 61-62 Burzenland, 247
Breuer, Josef, 353-354 Butt-Thompson, F.W., 448
Bridge to Freedom, 374n. Byzantine, 148
Brinkley, David, 419
Britannia, (HMS), 190 Cabala, 79
Brotherhood, see Brotherhood of see also Kabbala
the Snake Cairo, 159
Brotherhood, Great White, see California, 67, 92, 269, 364-365,
Brotherhood of the Snake 373, 406
Brotherhood of the Snake, 53-56, caliphs, 159
65-66, 69-71, 78-79, 86-89, Calvin, John, 221-223
92-93, 96-97, 110, 112, 113, Calvinism, 209, 221-223, 325,
117, 128, 132, 141, 149, 150, 416
155-156, 158-160, 163, 166, Calvinists, 209
174, 228, 230, 239, 257-258, Cambodia, 173, 402
260, 268, 270, 283-284, 291- Canaan, 73-74, 79-83, 93
292, 293, 300, 317, 318, 319n., Canada, 433
324, 325, 330-332, 336, 350, capitalism, 325, 328, 341-342,
364, 365, 367-368, 371-372, 350
387, 391-392, 415, 416, 429 financial, 328-329
Capua, 11 Chicago, 174
Caribbean Sea, 319n. Child Find, Inc., 451-52
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, children, missing, 451-452
331 China, 186, 403, 429, 451
Cartier, Raymond, 173 Choiseul, Duke of, 264, 286
Cartoon Guide to Economics, cholera, 190, 295
The, 212n. Christianity, 144-149, 176, 248,
Casey, William, 156n., 404 340-341
caste system, 98-100, 147 see also Catholic Church;
Castro, Fidel, 404 Protestantism
Catherine II (the Great), 266 Christians, 154-155, 158,
Catholic Church, 154, 157, 164, 163-166, 175, 176, 193-194,
179, 182n., 195, 198-203, 200, 371, 425-427
206, 221 Chrysler Corporation, 156n.
see also Popes Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Catholicism, 223, 226, 262, 272, Day Saints, 306-322
399 see also Smith, Joseph
Cayce, Edgar, 119 Churchill, Winston, 338, 375
Central America, 173, 310, 311 CIA, see Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency Agency (U.S.)
(U.S.), 25, 156n., 389-390, Cicero, 11
403, 404, 406, 408, 412, 413, Circle of Initiates, 331
418, 421, 449-450 Cisalpine Republic, 295
Cesare, Cantu, 268 Citadel Press, 16
Chaldea, 369 Citraketu, King, 98
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Civil War (American), 319
336, 377 clairvoyance, 422
Chambord, 263 class struggle, 326
Chapter of H, 238n. Clavell, James, 244
Charach, Theodore, 406 Clinton, James, 279
Chariots of the Gods?, 16 Clive, Robert, 263
Charlemagne, 11-12, 197 Close Encounters of The Third
Charles Edward, 237n., 238, 246, Kind, 428
254, 261 Clymer, R. Swinburne, 67n.
Charles I (of Brunswick), 256, Cocoon, 428
257 coins, 216-218
Charles I (of England), 223, 226 Cold War, 325, 416-417
Charles II, 192, 226-227 Collier's Encyclopedia, 193-194,
Charles V, 205 296
Charleston, 286-287 Cologne, 260
Charlottesville Lodge, 281n. Colombia, 296, 429
Chase Manhattan Bank, 332, 385 cploni, 147
Checka, 347 Columbus, Christopher, 13,31,174
Chenier, Andre, 295 "comets," 181-184, 192
Cheops, Pharaoh, 57, 60, 63, 67 Committee for the Scientific
Chephren, 60 Investigation of Claims of the
Chernomazov, Miron, 346 Paranormal, see CSICOP
Commune, 323 141, 174, 177-178, 211-212,
communism, 322, 324-326, 327, 309-310, 314-317, 322, 326,
333, 334, 340-341, 342-345, 330, 368-370, 387, 394,
348-350, 373, 379, 391, 416-417, 432-433, 448-49
402-404 see also "ancient astronauts";
Communist Conspiracy, 327 religion, Custodial; unidentified
Communist League, 325 flying objects
Communist Manifesto, 324, Cyprus, 157, 186-187
340 Czechoslovakia, 386-387
concentration camps, 432
American, 382 D'Affry, Count, 264, 265
English, 330, 333, 348, 382 Dallas, 405
Nazi, 2, 381n., 382-384 Damascus, 162
Russian, 348-350, 382, 383 Daniel, 116
Concord, Battle of, 279 Daniken, Erich von, 16
Condon Report, 21-23 Darjeeling, 369, 372
Confederacy (American), 319n. David
confessional, 199, 201, 202-205 . King, 127
Conrad (of Poland), 247-248 Star of, 79
Constantine I, 145-147 Dawang, Rolando Galman y, 411
Continental Congress, 279, Day of Judgment, 110, 111-113,
288-289 ' 117,133,134,319-320,335,
continental notes, 288-289 364, 373, 388-389, 442
"Contra" rebels, 404 see also apocalypse
cord at loin, 70 Dead Sea Scrolls, 127-128
Council on Foreign Relations, death squads, 404
332, 334 " Debir, 81
Counter-Reformation, 206 Decembrist Revolt, 295
Cowles, Virginia, 300 defoliation, 183
Coxe, Daniel, 275 DeHaan, Richard, 296
Cremnitz, 185 Delaware, 280
Crime and Punishment ofl.G. Demerol, 450
Farben, The, 383 Derwentwater, Earl of, 236-237,
Cromwell, Oliver, 223, 226 237n., 241
cross Desaguliers, John T., 235
Latin, 157 Desmoulins, Camille, 295
Maltese, 157 Detering, Henri, 386
Crusades, 153-157, 160, 163-164, Deutsche Bank, 385
172, 179, 237, 242, 247, devaluation, 215-216, 219
249, 256 Devil, 55
CSICOP, 422-425, 427 Devil worship, 55
Cuba, 404 dialectic, 325-326
"cults," 426-427 dialectical materialism, 224, 326
Curtis, Lionel, 332 Diocletian, 145n.
Custodial, see Custodians DiPietro, Vincent, 60n.
Custodians, 38-40, 43-52, 93, 98, Dippers, Big and Little, 101
100-102, 113, 114-115, 123, Discover magazine, 422
Disneyland, 309 Eliot, Charles, 104
District Command, 379-381, 385 Elixir of Life, 263
Dixon, Bernard, 422 emerods, 191
Djagguernat, 131 Emmanuel, Victor, 296
dolphins, 17 Encyclopedia Britannica, 42
Dominican Republic, 400 Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 422
Dominicans, 163, 176, 382 End of the World, 110, 112, 113,
Dornberg, 187 119, 136, 149,158, 195,198, 350,
Dracula, 260 396, 428 see also apocalypse
drugs, 160, 355-363, 366, Engels, Friedrich, 324, 340
376-377, 397, 429, 450, 451 England, 3, 162, 190, 205-206,
Durant, Will, 128, 132 223, 226-228, 231, 233-236,
Dust Bowls, 335 237, 242, 251-256, 257,
Dwyer, Richard, 449 266, 279, 287-288, 298, 300,
329-332, 348, 385, 390
Ea, 39-40, 44, 45, 52, 54-56 Bank of, 220, 228-230, 231,
Eagle's Nest, see Alamut 289, 290, 371, 385-387
Eagle's Teaching, see Alamut House of Commons, 228-229
Earth ENKI, see Ea
characteristics of, 5-6 "Enlightened One," see Buddha
Eastern bloc, 391, 402 Enlil, 40, 44
Eckart, Dietrich, 380, 381 Entered Apprentice, 234
Edelweiss Society, 381 Ephrata, 275
Eden, Garden of, 46-47, 52, 220, Epic of Gilgamesh, 45-46
327, 397-398 Erfurt, 192
see also Utopia Eritrea, 402
Edinburgh, 254, 283 Essenes, 127-129, 130, 132,
Lodge of, 239 144, 448
Edward VII, 235n. Estaing, Giscard d', 404
Edwards, Paul, 422 Ethiopia, 402
Egemont, 189 Etruscans, 173
Egypt, 12, 13, 56, 61, 69-70, eugenics, 336
73-74, 78-79, 83-84, 89-91, Europe, 95
97, 98, 100, 132, 173, 174, Evil Incarnate, 55
175, 284, 302 Ezekiel, 75-77, 115, 137-138,
Egyptian Museum, 92 142, 152, 309, 396
Eighty Years War, 209, 219-220,
223 Fakhry, Ahmed, 63, 64-65
Einstein, Albert, 104, 333 Fama Fraternitis, 207-208, 220,
Eisenberg, 187 274
Eisleben, 188 Federal Reserve Bank (U.S.), 289,
El Amarna, 69-70, 89, 163 . 385, 402
"Elect" (Calvinist), 222 Fellow Craft, 234
electromagnetic spectrum, 24n. Ferdinand, Archduke Franz, 337
electronic sedation, 368, 419-420, feudalism, 63, 97, 100, 147, 154,
441 329, 343-344, 447
Elijah, 116-117 Fields, W.C., 285n.
Final Battle, 110, 113, 136, 223, Freemasonry, 90-93, 159, 174,
340, 396, 416 205, 228, 232-243, 247,
see also apocalypse; 249-250, 256-257, 262-263,
Armageddon 268, 271-272, 273, 274-276,
Final Solution (Nazi), 383 279-285, 286-287, 296-297,
fireballs, 182, 335 301, 317-319, 331, 399, 448
flaming sword (Biblical), 48 Blue Degrees of, 234, 237, 238,
Flood (Biblical), 45 239,240,242-243,246,250,272
Florence, 85, 186-201 Grand Lodge of California, 285
flying "boats," 12, 365 Grand Masters of, 91, 156, 157,
flying "chariots," 97 158, 159, 235, 238, 246, 249,
flying "globes," 12 257, 273, 275, 279-280, 295
flying saucers, 8, 10, 18-20 Grand Orient, 246
Flying Saucers on the Attack, London Masons, 234
12n., 16 Mother Grand Lodge of the
flying "ships," 11, 12, 303 World (England), 234-240,
flying "spheres," 11 242, 275-276, 284
Ford, Gerald, 285n., 414 Royal Arch, 241
Ford Motor Company, 387 Scottish degrees, 237-243,
Foreign Service School, 327, 404 250-251, 285, 301
Forster, Edmund, 378 Scottish Rite, 285, 285n.,
Fort, Charles Hoy, 13-15, 33-34 286-287
Four of Wilmington Lodge, 280 Templar Knight degrees,
Fowler, Raymond, 394, 396 236-241, 245-246, 251, 257n.,
France, 3, 11, 16, 149, 157, 182, 271-272, 273, 283, 446
200, 228, 230, 236-238, 240, York Rite, 234, 285
246, 251, 254-255, 257, 260, French and Indian War, 254n.,
261-266, 270, 276, 280, 286, 276-277, 280
294-296, 323-324, 337, 384, see also Seven Years War
390, 403 Freud, Sigmund, 353
Bank of, 230-231, 265 Friedrich August, 267
Francis II, 260 Friends of God, 198-201, 205
Franciscans, 163 Fromme, "Squeaky," 414-415
Frankfurt, 299, 300, 301, 340 Fryer, A.T., 3O3n.
Franklin, Benjamin, 279, 280, "Fund" (St. Germain's), 265
283, 286, 289, 294
Frederic (Prince of Wales), 235 Gabriel, 151-152
Frederick William (Holstein), 250n. Galen, 207, 353
Frederick II (emperor), 164-165, Galilee, 122, 124
248, 256 Galitzen, Prince de, 264
Frederick II (of Hesse-Kassel), Garfleld, James, 285n.
256, 257, 288 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 296, 297
Frederick II (the Great), 249-252, Gates, Daryl, 408n.
254, 256, 266, 277, 280, Gath, 191
286-287 Gehlen, Reinhart, 390
Free, Joseph, 136 genealogy, 320
free enterprise, 341-342 Mormon library of, 320
Genoa, 295 see also Supreme Being
General Electric, 385, 387 God's Disease, 149, 195 see also
Geneva, 221 plague
genocide, 45, 80-81, 149, 153, Gods of Eden, The, 33
175, 193-194, 291-292, 293, Goering, Herman, 379, 381-382
297-298, 333, 348-350, 391, gold standard, 218-219
402-403, 428, 449-450 good works, 203
George I, 231 Goose and Gridiron Ale house,
George II, 249, 250n., 254 233-234
George III, 235n., 279 Gosbank, 342-343
George VI, 235n. Goulevitch, Arsene de, 347-348
George Louis, see George I GPU, 347
Georgetown University, 327 Graeffer, Franz, 269
German Foreign Office, 339 Gray, Tony, 272
German High Command, 379 Great Britain, see England
German Master Race, 336 Great Conflagration, 319
see also Aryanism see also apocalypse
German Worker's Educational GreatCosmicBeings, 367-368, 388
Society, 325 see also Ascended Masters
German Worker's Party, 380-381 Greece, 132, 135, 207, 353, 369
see also Nazi Party Gregory of Tours, 149, 150
Germanic mysticism, 376 Greyson, Dr. Bruce, 7n.
Germanism, 336 Grubstreet, 283
Germany, 158, 187, 191, guilds, 92, 194, 234
193-194, 196-197, 200, 201, Gurtner, Franz, 380
205, 207, 221, 228, 231, 243, Gustavus III, 271
245-249, 256, 259, 260, 267, Guyana, 449
335-339, 354, 375-392, 413
Gestapo, 378, 381 Haggai, 117
Gib-eon, 83 Hague, the, 252, 264, 265
Girondins, 295 Haifa, 129, 429
Gizeh, 59, 60, 62 Haig, Alexander, 156n.
Gleichen, E.H., 268 Haldol, 358
Gli Eretici d'ltalia, 268 Halley's Comet, 126
Glorious Revolution, 226-228, Hambros Brothers, 386
231 Hamburg, Lodge of, 249-250
Gnostics, 146, 448 Hamilton, Alexander, 279,
Gobi Desert, 369n. 289-290, 292
civilization of, 369n. Hanau, see Hesse-Hanau
God, 76-79, 86, 87, 95-96, Hancock, John, 279
104, 107, 109, 111, 113-117, Hannover, 231, 247, 249,
125, 131, 136, 138, 140, 150, 251-253, 256
152-153, 159, 190-191, 193, Hanover, House of, 231-232,
195, 198-199, 202, 203-204, 235-236, 247, 251, 262, 272,
222-224, 306, 309-310, 277, 279
314-317, 322, 335, 336, 352, Hapsburg, House of, 249
377, 384, 392, 394, 396, 441 Haran, 73
492 Index
Harding, Warren, 285n. History of Freemasonry, 128,
Hardte, Magister, 188 234, 241
Harvard University, 162, 327 History of the International, 323
hashish, 160-162 History of the Supreme Council,
Haushofer, Karl, 381 271
Hazor, 81 Hitler, Adolf, 321, 339, 371,
Hebrews, 72, 79-81, 115-117, 375-382, 384, 385-389, 414
127, 223n., 399 Hi-vites, 83
see also Jews Ho Chi Minn, 404
Hegel, 326 Hohenzollern family, 248-249,
Heliopolis, 78, 132 299, 336
Hell, 153 Holland, 184, 209-210, 219-220,
Monarch of, 55 223, 226-228, 252, 254,
Helvetic Republic, 295 264-266, 433
Henry, Patrick, 279, 292 Holy Ghost, 122
Herbert, 295 Holy Land, 154, 158, 237, 242
Heredon, 238n. see also Jerusalem
heresy, 147, 148-149, 163, 444 Holy Trinity, 120
Herod, King, 126 Homo sapiens, 6, 14, 34, 36-37,
Hess, Rudolph, 381 38-40, 45, 46, 48, 51-52, 54,
Hesse, 196-197, 205, 207, 210, 55-56, 62, 65, 71, 101-102
232, 252-257, 259, 260, 267, creation of, 42-43, 177-178,
270,299,300 211
-Darmstadt, 256 Homo sapiens sapiens, 41-42
-Hanau, 257, 257n., 267, 287, homosexuality, 124, 157
299 Hoover, J. Edgar, 285n.
Karl, Prince of, 267 Horeb, 116
-Kassel, 207, 256, 257, 257n., Hospitaler Knights, 155, 156, 157,
267, 287-288, 298-299 158, 160, 247
-Marburg, 256 Howell, F. Clark, 41-42
-Rheinfels, 256 humanism, 423-426
Charlotte Amalie of, 260 secular, 424-426
see also mercenaries, Hessian; Humanist, The, \TA
William IX Humanist Manifesto II, 424-425
Hilton Hotel, 408 Hund, Baron von, 246-247, 250,
Himi monastery, 130 257
Himmler, Heinrich, 381, 384, 389 Hungary, 185, 247, 269, 296
Hinckley, John Jr., 357, 408-410, Hutchinson, Thomas, 282-283
414 Huxley, Thomas, 444
Hinduism, 93-94, 97, 98, hypnosis, 25, 26-27, 353,
100-101, 106, 109, 130, 147, 394-396, 427
399, 427, 441-442, 451
Hippocrates, 189-190, I AM movement, 269, 366-374
353 see also Ballard, Guy Warren
Hiroshima, 382n. I.G. Farben, 383-385, 387, 390
History of Childhood Quarterly, I.T.T., 385, 387
378 Iacocca, Lee, 156n.
Ignatius of Loyola, 206 J. Schroeder Co., 386
Illuminati, 196-198, 205, 272-273 Jackson, Andrew, 162, 285n., 289
Bavarian, 196n., 272-273, Jackson, Jesse, 285n.
281n., 448 Jacobin Club, 295
see also Weishaupt, Adam Jacobites, 236, 237n., 238, 240,
see also Brotherhood of the 251, 261
Snake James I, 206, 231
Imhotep, 62, 63 . James II, 226-228, 236
Incas, 368 James III, 236
In Defense of Secular Humanism, Jameson, Dr., 332-333
424 Japan, 51, 96, 244-245, 382n.
India, 32, 93-94, 96-98, 100, Jaroff, Leon, 422
102, 132, 162, 186, 263, Jefferson, Thomas, 281n.,
369, 372 290-293, 332
indulgences, 201 Jehovah, 17, 72-84, 89, 116,
inflation, 212-216, 219, 230-231, 125, 191
335 Jericho, 36n., 80
influenza, 335, 349 Jerry L. Penis Memorial Veterans
Inquisition (Catholic), 16, Hospital, 420
163-164, 175,179, 194, 202, Jerusalem, 121, 154, 155, 164,
206, 233, 382 165
Institute for Advanced Study, Jessup, Morris K., 16
333 , Jesuits, 206, 272, 399
Institute for Allery and Infectious Jesus Christ, 117, 119-134,
Diseases, 430 137-138, 144-147, 150, 151,
intelligence agencies, 262, 153, 200, 202-205, 206, 269,
344-345, 373, 379, 381, 302, 310, 364, 373, 375, 396
389-390, 403-404, 410, 412, cave birth of, 125-127
413, 415, 416, 417, 433 crucifixion of, 129, 133
International Monetary Fund, Second Coming of, 136, 143,
400-401 169, 364, 373, 396
Int. Society for Krishna "Jewish conspiracy," 446
Consciousness, 97 Jews, 336, 383, 399, 446-447
INTERPOL, 390 see also Hebrews; Judaism
Iran, 115, 160, 162 Jews and Freemasons in Europe,
see also Persia 257, 301
Ireland, 207, 228, 236, 238, 272 Joachim, 121-122
Islam, 150, 152-153, 158, 302, John
429 Book of, 135-136
see also Mohammedism of Cyprus, 155
Ismaili sect, 159, 162, 166, 405 the Baptist, 117, 128
Israel, 80, 83, 84, 116 the disciple, 135-143, 152, 309
Issa, legend of, 130-132 John Birch Society, 327
see also Jesus Christ Johnson, Andrew, 285n.
Italy, 11, 173, 191, 201, 218, 261, Jones, Jim, 449, 450
295, 296, 413 Jonestown, 449-450
Ives Laboratories, 357 Jordan, 429
Joseph, 122, 124-125 see also Hospitaler Knights
Joshua, 80, 81 Knights of the Temple, 155-158,
Juarez, Benito, 296 160, 162, 241-242, 246-247,
Judaism, 79, 115 285
Justinian, 148-150 see also Freemasonry, Templar
Justinian's Plague, 149-150, 183 Knight degrees
Knights Templar, see Knights of
Ka, 64-65 the Temple
Kabbala, 448 knowledge, as historical
see also Cabala phenomenon, 444-445
Kamil, Sultan, 164 Knox, Henry, 279
Kampuchea, 402-403, 404 Kohl, Helmut, 414
Kapila, 103 Kohlo, 256
Karl, Kolob, 309
Duke of Sodermanland, 271 Koran, 152
Prince of Hesse, 257, 260 Kossuth, Louis, 296
karma, 204 Kshatriyas, 131
Katz, Howard, 212 Kuhlman, Richard von, 339
Katz, Jacob, 257, 301 Ku Klux Klan, 319n.
Kauderbach, Monsieur de, 265 Kurtz, Paul, 424-425
John R, 404, 405-406, 411 labor unions, 447
Robert F., 406-408, 414 Lachish, 81
Key West, 418 LaFayette, Marquis de, 280-281,
KGB, 347-348, 403, 416 289, 293n., 295, 323
Khmer Rouge, 350, 403 Lafontaine, Oskar, 413-414
Kilmarnock, Lord, 246 "Last Days," 128
Kilwinning, 239-241 see also apocalypse
Lodge of, 237-238, 239-241 Lateran Councils, 120-121
Kindersley, Robert, 386 Latin America, 296
King, Martin Luther Jr., 408 see also Central America;
King George's War, 276 Mexico; South America
"King Rats," 244-245 Law, John, 230, 240, 265
Kitchener, Lord, 333 Lazard Brothers, 331
Klass, Philip, 21, 22, 25, 29-30, League of the Just, 324
30n., 422 see also Communist League
Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, Lebanon, 162
238 Lee, Richard Henry, 292
Knight of the Red Feather, 246 Leipzig, 354, 355
Knights of Christ, 157, 158 Battle of, 298-299
see also Knights of the Temple Lemuria, 13, 365, 369, 369n.
Knights of the Golden Circle, Lenin, 4, 338-340, 346, 347
319n. Leopold-George, 260
Knights of the Hospital, see see also St. Germain, Count
Hospitaler Knights of
Knights of Labor, 447 Lerche, Nicholas, 430
Knights of Malta, 319n. Levi (tribe), 78
Lewis, H. Spencer, 66-67, 68, Madison, James, 279, 285n., 290,
92, 197 292-293
liberation, wars of, 402 Mafia, 296-297, 405-406, 408
Libya, 90 Magaiin der beweisfuhrer fur
Lida machine, 419-420 Verurtheilung des Freimaurer-
Ligurian Republic, 295 Ordens, 268
Lindbergh, Charles, 15 Magnificent Money-Makers, 230
Linn, LaVonn P., 280, 281-282 Mainz, 298
List, Guido von, 376 Majo, 184
"little people," 452 Malibu, 374n.
Litton, Lord Bulward, 381 Malinovskii, Roman, 346
Llandbedr, 304 Malta, 156
Llanfair, 304 Knights of, see Hospitaler
L.M.S. Railway System, 386 Knights
Lobkowitz, Ferdinand von, 262 Manchester (New York), 306
Loch Ness monster, 422 Manetho, 78-79, 82
Lodge of High Knights Templars, Manhattan, Bank of, 385
241 Manson, Charles, 415*
Lodge of Three Globes, 250 Marburg, University of, 205
London, 156, 192, 233, 237n., Marcos, Ferdinand, 410-412
254, 261, 264, 266, 284 Marenches, Alexandre de, 404
Lord of Vermin, 55 Marlborough, Duke of, 251
Los Angeles, 406, 415 Mars, 32, 60-61
County Board of Supervisors, "face" on, 60
406 Marschall, G.C., 246
Police Department, 407-408 Marx, Karl, 324-327, 340, 353
Los Angeles Times, 59, 408, 418 Marxism, 224, 325, 343, 399,
Lost Years, The, 130 402, 416
Louis XV, 262-265, 267 Mary (mother of Jesus), 121-123,
Louis XVI, 267, 269, 286n. 124-125
Louis-Philippe, 323 Mary II, 227, 251
Loyola, see Ignatius of Loyola Mason, George, 292-293
Ludendorff, Erich, 339 Masovia, 248
Luke, Book of, 126-127 Massachusetts, 283
Lunden, Sven G., 282, 295, 296 Institute of Technology, 19
Luther, Martin, 201-207, 209, 221 Master Mason, 234
see also Protestantism materialism, 65, 96, 322, 351,
Lycosthenes, Conrad, 182 399, 424-425
Maverick, Samuel, 102n.
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 84—86, 117, mavericks, 102n.
298, 394 see also religion, maverick
Machiavellianism, 117,235, Mayans, 172-176
239, 251, 257, 273, 325, 394, McCone, John, 404
446-448 McKinley, William, 285n.
MacKey, Albert, 128, 157, 158, Medici
159, 200n., 234, 275 family, 201, 218, 260-261
MacNeil Pharmaceutical, 358 Lorenzo Di, 201
Mediterranean Sea, 129 mind control experiments, 25-26,
Mein Kampf, 375, 376, 380 390
Melchizedek, 93, 301, 318 minute men, 279
Lodges, 301 Mississippi River, 277
Order of, 301 "mists," as source of plague, 181,
Priesthood of, 93, 318 183, 185, 186-190
Memphis (Egypt), 62 . M.I.T., see Massachusetts,
Menkaura, 60 Institute of Technology
Mensheviks, 346 Mitchell, C.E., 385
mental illness, 353 Mitre, 296
mercenaries, 232, 251-257, 266, MK ULTRA, 450
298, 300, 387 Mohammed, 150-153, 158, 159n.,
Hessian, 253-256, 286, 302
287-288, 300 Mohammedism, 101
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 359 see also Islam; Mohammed;
Merrill Lynch, 156n. Moslems
Merswin, Rulman, 198-199 Molay, Jacques de, 157
see also Friends of God Molenaar, Greg, 60
Mesopotamia, 12, 36-37, 38-43, Moltke, Helmuth von, 337
46, 49, 55, 61, 62, 73, 95, 97, money, inflatable paper, 212-213,
98, 100, 174, 176, 183, 211, 220, 228-231, 256, 270,
244, 315 288-289, 293, 295, 300, 327,
gods of, 37 340, 342-343, 371, 385, 391,
see also Assyria; Babylonia; 399-402, 431-432
Sumeria Mongols, 162
messiah, 115-116, 119, 122, Monk, General, 240
126-127, 132-133, 159, monotheism, 69-72, 78, 96,
167-170,335 113-115,150
German, 375, 377, 379-380, Monroe, James, 285n.
384 Montgomery, Richard, 279
Nordic, 382 moon, 59, 61
"meteors," 182 Morell, Theodore, 377
Mettaya, 109-110, 117, 169 Morgan
Metz, H.A., 385 Bank, 331
Mexico, 172, 173, 296, 310, 311 J.P., 331
Michael, Douglas, 212n. Mormon, Book of, 310-318, 326
Middle Ages, 382 Mormon Church, 313-322, 404
Middle East, 93, 97, 110, 115, spiritual beliefs of, 314-317
153, 162, 310, 405 Mormons, The, 318
Milan, Edict of, 146 Morning of the Magicians, 16
Milky Way, 6 Moroni, 307-309
Millennium, 158-159, 375, 382, city of, 312
429-430 Moronihah, 312
see also apocalypse Moses, 74-78, 79n., 81-83, 94,
Miller, John C, 281n., 282 115, 125, 150, 153, 302, 318
Milner, Alfred, 331, 348 Moslems, 154, 155, 164-165,
Mimansa, 106 426
Mother Grand Lodge, see New York, 275, 278, 305-306,
Freemasonry, Mother Grand 373, 418
Lodge of the World Bank of, 290
Mount Shasta, 269, 364-365 New York Times, 335, 410
Brotherhood of, 365 Nicea, Council of, 120, 146-147
Mount Sinai, 74, 82 Nicene Creed, 146-147
Mu, see Lemuria nirvana, 107
MUFON, see Mutual UFO Nizar, 159
Network Nizaris, 159
mummies, 63-65, 173 see also Assassin sect
Munich, 272, 379, 380 NKVD, 347, 348
Muslim Brotherhood, 429 Noah, 46
Mutual UFO Network, 21n. Nobel Prize, 13
Mysteries, Egyptian, 78 Nohl, Johannes, 184, 186-187
Mystery Schools, 66-68, 149 Norfolk, Duke of, 275
Mythology of the Secret Societies, Norman, Montague, 371, 385-386
The, 246 Norpramin, 359
North America, 226, 254n., 274,
Nagasaki, 382n. 275,307,310-311,368
Napoleon Bonaparte, 298, 425 North Vietnam, 403, 404
Napoleon III, 260 "Nothingness," 107
NASA, 59 see also nirvana
Nassau (Germany), 210 Notovitch, Nicolas, 130
see also Orange, House of Notre Dame, Cathedral of, 157
National City Bank, 385 nuclear holocaust (ancient),
Nazi Occult Bureau, 381 311-313, 317, 369n., 416
Nazi Party, 380-381 Nuremburg, 184
Naziism, 95, 100, 373, 382, War Crime Trials, 384, 385,
385-386,388-389,391,415 390
see also concentration camps, Nuttall, Zelia, 101
Nazi; Hitler, Adolf
Nazis, 2, 193, 320, 333, 371, Oakland, 373
379, 432 Obsequens, Julius, 11
see also Naziism occultism, 69
NBC Magazine with David Oddfellows, 399
Brinkley, 419, 420 O'Dea, Thomas F., 318
Neanderthal man, 42 OGPU, 347
near-death experiences, 7, Ohio Valley, 276-277, 279
439-440 Okhrana, 345-346
Netherlands, see Holland Old Kingdom (Egypt), 63
New Age movement, 427-428 Old Testament, 46-47, 73,
New Guinea, 448 82n., 97, 116, 120, 134, 152,
New Jersey, 275, 333, 385n. 190-191, 301, 307, 310, 316
New Lands, 14 Old World, 12
New Testament, 120, 126, 128, Olmecs, 172-173
129 Omni magazine, 19, 422
New World, 12-13 Oppenheimer, Robert, 333
Orange, People's Russian Orthodox
Henrietta of, 249 Movement, 429
House of, 210, 226-228, 231, People's Temple, 449-450
251, 390 Persia, 113-114, 115, 125, 126,
Order of, 228, 272 160, 186, 242, 414
Orange Order, The, 272 Persian Gulf, 40
Orbiter, 59 Peru, 429
Orleans, Duke of, 295, 323 Peter III, 266, 270
Orloff family, 266 Petrie, 90
Osiris, 91 peyote, 376
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 405 Pharisees, 128
out-of-body experiences, 366-367, Pharaoh, 190
368 Philip the Magnanimous, 205, 255
outcasts, see untouchables Philip IV the Fair, 157
Oxford, 13, 162, 329, 330 Philippine Islands, 410-412
Philistines, 191
P. & O. Steamship, 386 Phnom Penhh, 403
Pacific Ocean, 365 Phobos, 32
Pakistan, 130 phoenix, 112-113, 284, 395
Palestine, 89, 115-116, 128, 130, Pisa, 84-85
132, 154, 310, 311 Pistoia, 84-85
Pali language, 131 Pitt, William, 255
Palme, Olaf, 413 Pizarro, 95
Panama City (Florida), 418 plague, 149-150
Papacy, see Popes Great Plague of London, 192
"paper aristocracy," 212, 300 of 1117 A.D., 183
Para-Brahma, 131 pneumonic, 180, 190
Parade magazine, 337 see also Black Death;
Paris, 156, 157, 182, 266, 268, Justinian's Plague
336, 337, 378 Pol Pot, 403, 404
Paris-Duverney Brothers, 265 Poland, 248, 295
Parthenopean Republic, 295 Polk, James, 285n.
Pasewalk military hospital, Polo, Marco, 161
377-378, 414 Popes, 148, 198, 207, 248
Passover, 84 Clement, 263
Passport to Magonia, 12n. Clement V, 157
past lives, 99 Clement VI, 194
see also afterlife; reincarnation Gregory VII, 154
Paterson, William, 228, 230, 240 Gregory IX, 163, 164
Patmos, 135 Innocent II, 163
Paul I (of Russia), 156 Innocent IV, 179
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 355 John XXIII, 201
Pearl of Great Price, 306n. John Paul II, 413
Pearson, Michael, 339 Leo X, 201
Pennsylvania, 67n., 275 Leo XIII, 156
People of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Urban II, 153-154
The, 127 Popol Vuh, 175-178
Popular Liberation Front, 402 see also Calvinism
pornography, 124 pyramids
Portugal, 157, 158, 296 Great Pyramid (of Cheops),
Potsdam, 336 57-60, 62, 63, 175
Prague, 184 in North America, 172-173,
Pravda, 339, 346 175
predestination, 222 on Mars, 60-61
predestiny, 118-119 Pyramid of the Sun, 175
Presbyterians, 399
Pretzsche, Ernst, 376 Quaaludes, 450
Price, Henry, 275 Quakertown, 67n.
Prince, The, 84-85 Queen Anne's War, 276
Prince of Quigley, Dr. Carroll, 327-329,
Darkness, 55 385-386
Earth, 55
Liars, 55 Ra, 67, 91n.
"Prince of the Royal Secret," 287 racism, 96
Princeton, 327, 333 see also Aryanism
Proclamation of 1763, 277 radar, 24-25
Prodigorium liber, 11 Radcliffe, Charles, 236-237
Professed Knight, 246 see also Derwentwater, Earl of
Project Bluebook, 421 Radio Free Europe/Liberty, 404
Project Grudge, 421 Rameau, 268
Project Sign, 421 Rameses II, 79n.
Promised Land, 74, 78, 79, 81 Ramsey, Michael, 236-241, 247
see also Canaan Rau, Johannes, 413
promissory notes, 214-216 Ravenscroft, Trevor, 376
prophesies, Hebrew, 126-127, 169 Reagan, Ronald, 332, 357, 401,
Prophet, Elizabeth Claire, 374n. 408-410
Prophet, Mark, 374n. Reformation, see Protestantism
Protestantism, 195, 205, 206, Reign of Terror, 298, 349
207, 209-210, 212, 221, 226, reincarnation, 6, 55, 99-100, 108,
228, 272 120, 148
work ethic, 322 see also afterlife; past lives
see also Calvin, John; religion,
Calvinism; Luther, Martin Custodial, 107-109, 152-153,
Prussia, 248-252, 254, 256, 257, 168, 310-311, 319, 325, 340,
266, 286, 287, 287n, 298, 373, 388, 398-399, 451
299,448 maverick, 102, 102n., 106-110,
psychiatry, 353-363, 390, 414, 315, 427
426-427 Renaissance, 90, 225, 226
stimulus-response model, 354, Revelation, Book of, 134-143,
423 152, 169
suicides of practitioners, 361 Revere, Paul, 279
Ptah, 62 Reverend C.E., 304
Puranas, 131 revolution, 209, 415
Puritans, 223-226, 240 "virtuous," 294
Revolution, Rothschild,
American, 3, 256, 279-283, family, 300-301, 340
286, 288-295 Mayer Amschei, 299-301
French, of England, 331
of 1789, 286n., 294-295, Solomon, 301
297-300 Rothschilds, A Family of Fortune,
see also Reign of Terror The, 300
of 1830, 323 Round Earth Theory, 31
of 1839, 323 Round Table, 329-332, 333-334,
Permanent, 416 348
Russian, 4, 338-340, 344-345, "royal blood," see blue bloods"
346-348 Royal Institute of International
Revolution of the Saints, 224 Affairs, 332
revolving sword (Biblical), 68, 71 Royal Teton, 366-368, 370-371
Rhine River, 298 Royal York Lodge, 250
Rhineland, 154 Ruby, Jack, 405
Rhodes, Ruppelt, Edward J., 10
Cecil, 329-331, 332-333, 370 Russia, 95, 254, 266-267, 295,
island of, 156 296, 333, 334, 338-340,
Knights of, 156 342-345, 349, 355, 382, 383,
see also Hospitaler Knights 390-391, 403, 417, 419-420
Scholarships, 330 Provisional Government of,
Rhodesia, 329 340, 346-347
Roberts, J.M., 246 see also Revolution, Russian;
Robertson Panel, 421 Soviet Union
Roche Laboratories, 356 Rust, Bernhard, 379
Rockefeller, Ryan, Leo, 449, 450
David, 332
family, 331, 385 Sabbah, Hassan-i, 159
Rocky Mountains, 320 Sachs, Margaret, 18n.
Rogers, Will, 285n. Sadducees, 128
Rohm, Ernst, 379, 380 Sagan, Carl, 422
Rome, 11, 148, 353, 369 Sahara Desert, 369
Empire, 115, 133, 145-147, civilization of, 369n.
149, 164, 202, 223 St. Andrew's Lodge, 241,
Roosevelt, 281-283
Franklin D., 285n., 382n. St. Germain, Claude Louis de,
Theodore, 285n. 259n.
"Rosenkruez, Christian," 207 St. Germain, Count of, 259-270,
Rosicrucian Digest, 365 364-366
Rosicrucian Fraternity in America, St. Germain, General, 259n.
67n. St. James, 192
Rosicrucians, 66-67, 92, 197-198, St. John, Order of, 200
205, 207, 263, 269, 273, 275, St. Peter, Church of, 188
281n., 381, 399, 448 St. Peter's Square, 413
see also Ancient and Mystical St. Petersburg, 266
Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) St. Petersburg Committee, 346
St. Stephanie, Church of, 184 Secret Service
Salt Lake City, 320 American, 373, 408, 409
salvation, spiritual, 109, 221-222, French, 373
224, 432, 440, 441-442 Nazi, 390
"quickie," 205 secret societies,
Salza, Hermann von, 247-248 primitive, 448
Sam Adams, Pioneer of see also Brotherhood of the
Propaganda, 282 Snake
Samkhya, 103-104 Secret Socieities and Subversive
San Francisco, 418 Movements, 446
San Francisco Chronicle, 430 Segal, George, 244
San Jose (California), 66-67 Sendero Luminoso, 429
San Martin, 296 Sermon on the Mount, 132
San Quentin, 432 serpent, see snake
Sanskrit, 94, 95 serratia, 418
Sarajevo, 337 Seven Years War, 254-255, 264,
Sarmiento, 296 277, 280, 282
Satan, 52, 55, 136, 223-224, sex, 124
317,427 Shah, 162
Satanism, 55 Shangri-La, 112
Saxony, 201, 246, 254 Shaw, Edward, 386
sceptre and tiara, 211 Shell Oil, 390
Schiff, shem, 50-51
family, 300 Shia sect, 158-159
Jacob, 340 Shishak I, 89
Schmitz, Herman, 385 Sh'-nar, 50
Schreyer, William, 156n. Shriners, 399
Schuelersberg, 185 Siberia, 12
Schulz, Duane P., 355 Sicily, 297
Schutzstaffel, 381, 383-385, Siddharta, Guatama, see Buddha
390, 432 Siena, 261
see also Nazis "Significa," 337
science, Western, 7 sin
scorched earth defense, 417 inherent, 124
Scotland, 228, 230, 236-243, original, 49, 222
254, 261 Sindh, 130
Grand Lodge of, 239, 241, 283 Singapore, 174
Scottish Jacobite Chapter, 238 Sirhan, Sirhan, 406-408, 414
Scottish Master, 246 Sitchin,Zecharia,37n.,39,50-51,55
Scottish Rite, see Freemasonry, Siva, 98
Scottish Rite Six Systems of Salvation, 103,
Sea of Tranquility, 59 . 106
Sealed Train, The, 339 Skeptical Inquirer, The, 422
Sebua, 91n. skeptical societies, 422, 425
Second Gun, The, 406-407 skin, blue, 98
Second Synod of Constantinople, Skinner, B.F., 422
120, 148 slavery, 293
Smith, Edward Ellis, 346 States-Genera! (Holland), 210
Smith, Joseph, 306-310, 313, Staupitz, Johann von, 205
318, 319 Stein, Walter Johannes, 375-376,
Smith Kline, 358 379
snake, 47, 52, 54-55, 9In., 174 Stelazine, 358-359
see also Brotherhood of the Sterling, Claire, 415-4-16
Snake Steuben, Baron von, 280
Social Democratic Party "sting" operations, 345
(Russian), 346 Story of Civilization, The, 128
Society for Psychical Research, Strausberg, 200
303 Strauss, Richard, 113n.
Society of Seasons, 324 Streidel, Adelheid, 414
sociopathology, 450-451 Strict Observance, 245-247, 250,
Socrates, 145-146 256-257, 260, 272
Soddy, Frederick, 13 Stuart, House of, 226, 227, 231,
Sofia, Duchess, 337 232, 236, 238, 240, 247, 254,
solar barks, 63-64 271,272
Solomon, King, 89-90 Restoration of, 240
Temple of, 89-90, 128, 155 subliminal programming, 427
Sons of Liberty, 278, 282 subsidy treaties, 251, 253
Sons of Revolt, 91n. Sudras, 131
Sophia Dorothea, 249 Sugar Act, 277
souls, see spiritual beings Sumeria, 36-37, 40-41, 73, 211,
South Africa, 332, 333, 348, 428 326
South America, 95, 295, 296, 368 see also Mesopotamia
South Carolina, 286 Summit Lighthouse, 374n.
Sovereign Military Order of "superconstructions," 14
Malta, see Hospitaler Knights Supreme Being, 55, 71, 74, 78,
Soviet Union, 181, 342-344, 368 104, 107, 112, 117, 153, 170,
see also Russia 222, 314, 316, 435-443
Space Brothers, 428 Surmontil, 357-358
"Spaceship Earth," 5 Suso, Heinrich, 205
Spain, 31, 95, 175, 178, 194, Sutras, 131
209-210, 220, 296 Swabia, 184
Spear of Destiny, 376 swastika, 100-101, 174-175, 375,
spiritual beings, 6-8, 44n., 64-65, 376, 382, 384, 429
103-104, 112-113, 148 Sweden, 254, 271, 382, 413
spiritualism, 68-69 Switzerland, 16, 162, 221, 295,
Srimad Bhagavatam, 97-98 329, 338, 356, 417
SS (Nazi), see Schutzstaffel symbolism, 68-69
Stadtholder, 210 Syria, 162
Stairway to Heaven, The, 37n.
Stalin, Joseph, 346, 348, 349, 403 Taft, William Howard, 285n.
Stamp, Josiah, 386 Tate-LaBianca murders,
Stamp Act, 277-278 415
Standard Oil, 385n., 387 Tauler, Johann, 205
"Star Wars" defense, 417 Taylor, Thomas, 224
Templar Knights, see Knights of UFOs, see unidentified flying
the Temple objects
Ten Commandments, 81 UFOs Explained, 21
Terror Network, The, 415-416 Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich, see
terrorism, 278, 379, 415-417 Lenin
nuclear, 416-417 unidentified flying objects, 1, 4,
safehouses for, 416 8-35, 61, 64, 74-76, 125-126,
Teutonic Knights, 158, 164, 146, 150, 178, 181-182, 184,
247-249 186, 189, 191, 192, 301-305,
Texas, 405 309, 365, 374n., 390-394, 396,
Theodosius I, 147-148 42(M23, 428, 432, 466, 450,
Theosophical Society, 269 452-453
Thompson, Charles, 284 abductees, 316, 392-396, 428,
Thorazine, 358, 450 441, 451-453
Thousand Year Reich, 382, 388 contactees, 192
Threadneedle Street, 386 debunking of, 17-33, 305,
Thule Society, 379-381, 388 421-424
Thuringia, 184 see also "flying saucers"
Thutmose III, 68, 94 United Lodges, 257n.
Tiarks, C.T., 386 United Nations, 30
Tibet, 269 United States, 181, 207, 274,
Hidden Masters of, 269 333, 335, 340, 356, 368, 373-
Tigre, 402 390, 401, 404-405, 411, 412,
Tigris-Euphrates, 36, 46 417-421
see also Mesopotamia Air Force, 10, 421-422
Toltecs, 175 Bank of the, 289
Tragedy and Hope, 327-332 Constitution, 292-293, 415
Transvaal, 333 FAA, 18
Transylvania, 247, 260 Federal Bureau of Investigation
trees of knowledge (Biblical), (FBI), 285n., 407-410, 421-422
47-49, 54, 68, 316 Food and Drug Administration,
Trenton, Battle of, 288 357
Truman, Harry S., 285a, 382n. Founding Fathers, 284
Tsar, 339-340, 345, 346 Great Seal of, 284
Tsarism and The Revolution, 348 Information Agency, 429
Tse-Tung, Mao, 350, 403 National Academy of Sciences,
Turkey, 137 30
Twain, Mark, 285n. National Archives, 377
Twelfth Planet, The, 254 Navy, 418
2001: A Space Odyssey, 113n. State Department, 404
Tyndale House, 76 universe,
"Typology of Near Death . of stone, 389
Experiences, A," origin of, 104-105
University of California
UFO and the Bible, The, 16 at Berkeley, 41
UFO Encyclopedia, The, at Davis, 430
18n. Unknown Life of Jesus, The, 130
Unknown Superior, 245-246, Walzer, Michael, 224
257n. Wantoch, Hans, 230
untouchables, 99 war, 165—167
Unusual Martian Surface as commodity, 3
Features, 60n. Calvinist view of, 224-226
Ur, 73 parasitic nature of, 87
Ursa Major, 101 see also Machiavellianism
Ursa Minor, 101 War for American Independence,
Utnapisthtim, 45—46 see Revolution, American
Utopia, 112, 113, 153, 195, 326, War of Austrian Succession,
327, 334, 341, 349, 384, 433 252-253, 261-262
War of Spanish Succession, 252
Vaisyas, 131 Warburg,
Valium, 356, 357, 359, 450 Max, 340, 385
Vallee, Jacques, 12n., 452 Paul, 385
Vancouver, 365 Warren, Earl, 405
Vandenberg, Hoy S., 421 Warren Commission, 405, 411
Vata, Hymn to, 97 Wars of Gods and Men, The, 37n.
Vedas, 97-98, 101, 130-131 Washington, George, 276-277,
Venus, 125, 126 279-281, 283, 285n., 289, 290,
Ver, Fabian, 412 293,295,445-446
Vergennes, Compte de, 286 Washington, D.C., 404, 418
Victoria, Queen, 235n. Washington Post, 59
Vienna, 176, 184, 187-188, 192, weapons
267, 301, 375-376, 378 biological (germ), 45, 181,
Viking mission, 60 418-419
Vikings, 13 see also atomic bombs; nuclear
Villani, , holocaust (ancient)
Giovanni, 186 Webster, Nesta H., 446-447
Matteo, 186 Weishaupt, Adam, 196n.,
Viracochas, 95 272-273, 281n., 446
virgin birth, 122-123 Weiss, Ernst, 378
Virginia, 279 Weldon, 268
Virginia Declaration of Rights, see also St. Germain, Count of
292 ' Welsh Revival, 302-305
Vishnu, 98 Weltanshauung, 376
"Void, The," 107 Westmister, Treaty of, 254
see also nirvana Westphalia, Kingdom of, 298
Volkischer Beobachter, 377, 381 Whigs, 228, 231
Voltaire, 230, 286n. . Whiskey Rebellion, 290
voyeurism, 124 White, T.D., 41
Vril Society, 381, 384 Whitehall, 192
Whitney family, 331
Waldeck, 287 Wilhelmsbad Congress, 257n.,
Wales, see Welsh Revival 268
Walpole, Horace, 253, 255, 261 Wilkins, Harold, 12n., 16
Walsh Company, 261 William (of Prussia), 250n.
Index 505
William Ferdinand (of Yahweh, 74
Brunswick)', 256-257 see also Jehovah
William, Kaiser, 336, 377 Yale, 51
William I the Silent, 210, 211 Yoga, 106
William III, 227-228, 231, 251 Young, Brigham, 318
William IX, 257, 267, 288, Young Stalin, The, 346
298-299, 300, 301
Windsor, House of, 231 Zadok, Sons of, 128
wisdom, ancient, 6-7 Zambia, 329
witchcraft, 69 Zarahemla, 312
Wittenberg, University of, 201 Zarathustra, 113n.
Wizard ofOz, The, 225 see also Zoroaster
World Bank, 400, 430 Zarqa, 429
World War I, 332, 336-340, 390 Zend Avesta, 115, 127
World War H, 244, 338, 339, 368, Zimbabwe, 329
373, 375, 377, 382-384, 385, Zond IV, 21-22
387, 389, 390, 447 Zoroaster, 113-115, 169
writs of assistance, 278 Zoroastrianism, 114-115, 126,
Wuertemburg, 184 127
Wundt, Wilhelm, 354-355 see also Zoroaster
Wyoming, 366 Zoser-Neterkhet, 62
Ximenez, Francisco, 176
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